Coworking & Childcare

Renews automatically

Includes childcare and a desk. Childcare can be booked Mondays thru Fridays between 9 am and 5 pm for a minimum of 2 hours.
If you want our team to be responsible for watching over your child while it sleeps, this time must be included in your booking.
Discounts are available when you buy a 20 or 40-hour package.

The booking deadline is 24 hrs before the start of the booking.

Our complete Terms of Use for Childcare can be found on our website in German and English:


25.00 EUR / month

Booking Passes

Coworking and Childcare
1. Childcare / Kinderbetreuung
17.00 EUR
Hours: 1
Sibling / Geschwisterkind
2. Sibling / Geschwisterkind
9.00 EUR
Hours: 1
Coworking and Childcare
1. Childcare / Kinderbetreuung
320.00 EUR
Hours: 20
Coworking and Childcare
1. Childcare / Kinderbetreuung
600.00 EUR
Hours: 40
Meeting Room
Meeting room
15.00 EUR
Hours: 1
Workshop Room
Workshop Room
21.00 EUR
Hours: 1
Conference Room
Conference Room
27.00 EUR
Hours: 1
Terms and Conditions »

Change Plan

Account Details

If you don’t have an account, enter a new password. Forgot password?

Personal Details

Name or company are required


Start Date
